Thursday, August 18, 2011
ENOUGH Already
We have 3 beautiful children. Yes we had them very close together, the last one was a real shocker. Having number 2 and 3 only 17 months apart was not ideal but it's worked and our little boy is such a blessing to us.
Do we want more kids? NO
Do we need more kids? NO
Have we done anything permanent to prevent having more kids? Not that it's any of your business but NO!
I am so sick of everyone asking me when #4 is coming along and if we don't want anymore when is my hubby getting the snip. Everytime I turn around it's when is Chris getting the snip, has Chris gone in for the "procedure" yet? If you want it done do it to you Christi, why does Chris have to do it? All of it just makes me want to scream!
The good ol' snippity snip is a little expensive, even when you do have great benefits from work. If you want it done by a doctor that is worth a damn and you don't want one of those swimming baby makers to sneak in somehow it's going to cost some serious money. Money that frankly I don't have right now.
LOOK the procedure costs money, my BC pills do not. We have 3 mouths to feed plus our own in a terrible economy so BACK OFF! It's really none of your business.
I feel better now...
Monday, August 1, 2011
Never Fails
I am suppose to lay my voice down at 3pm and I don't sound 100%. My first ever job for voice and the instrument is broken.
It NEVER fails. NOTHING goes my way lately. Just when I think things are going in the right direction, BAM I get knocked up side the head.
Well we shall see how today goes, hopefully the voice will pull through and they still like me enough to keep me on the campaign.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Again and again and again...
Now I've decided to put the headphones on while in the studio to put off the sign of "stay the hell out I'm working." Doesn't always work because eventually someone comes in about something that has nothing to do with anything important, or just someone that wants to argue because for some reason it's fun to them.
As far as my weight loss goes, I'm holding steady which I'm really happy about. I eat things I shouldn't and I know it but I try to run or do something athletic daily to help the good out weigh the bad. All my clothes are still slightly too big, except my new pair of Miss Me Jeans. They are a size 30! Yes a 30! Never thought I would be able to say that. Granted they are a little tight because in all honesty I could have used a 31 but they are already stretched a little bit after wearing them for one day. So I'm happy. Happy with the way I look, happy with what I weigh and happy about what I've accomplished.
So I guess I should really change the point of this blog. Lately I've needed to vent a lot so I write things down just to get them out of my mind. Kind of like Dumbledore does in Harry Potter with the pensieve (sp?).
Maybe this can be my vent place. The only thing about that is I know there are work people, God bless them, that read this blog and if I say anything about work they will automatically think that it's about them. Which sometimes, not gonna lie, it may be but this isn't the place to tell them what I think about them. I'll just keep writing those things down and then putting them in the office shredder.
So what shall I use this little thought space for? Parenting advice? Nah, even when I try to give it I'm basically told I'm a bad parent. Product advice? Only if I get freebees (hint hint). I can talk about my kids all day long from their latest milestones to the color of their poop. I do that enough already and I think I'm driving some people crazy. Marital advice? Nah not so good at that either, well I can figure out my own marriage but not anyone else.
Hmmm I will figure it out, I could give the secrets that I've learned about country stars that I have worked with...wait no I need my job.
Eventually when I write again I will have focus....maybe.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Deep Thoughts by Christi
As for me and my weight loss I'm doing well. I reached my goal of losing 40 pounds and I'm keeping it off. Now I'm running everyday. It's doing wonders for my waistline and my legs. Not to mention my sanity. Now if I could just find time to get a tan.
Since I've neglected my blog so much I feel that I need to catch up on a little "news."
-All My Children is cancelled!
OH MY WORD! Do you know what this means to my world? I have watched this show for as long as I can remember! My mom use to tape it and come home and watch after work or she would sit late at night on the couch with her sunflower seeds catching up on her stories. Then I got all caught up in it once I was sitting in my dorm room eating Freebirds and drinking REAL coke, not diet, watching AMC when I was suppose to be in class or studying! So tragic. What will the world be without Erica Kane! Oh and the latest story line with the baby in the box and Erica having an evil twin sister...ahhhhh!
-Dancing With The Stars
OK so this season has been a little blah. It's not one of those sesasons where if I miss it I freak out and watch it online the next day, no. I do have to say that Kirstie Alley is a freaking champ and I love her. Ralph Macchio, I probably spelled that wrong, is totally wearing a toupe, come on, you know it. I don't even know who the Chelsea chick is with Mark Ballas and Hines Ward is Ah-May-ZING!
Best show on TV! The season finale was hands down the greatest ever, can't wait until the new season, already having withdrawls. WATCH IT PEOPLE!
-Ashton Kutcher taking Charlie Sheen's place on 2.5 Men
-Osama is dead
Hellz to the yeah!
OK have you seen Maria Shriver? She's a freaking skeleton with hair, wouldn't you sleep with the maid too? He's Mr. Universe for Heaven's Sake and well Karma is a you know what and she's a Kennedy so someone is getting her back. (I know I'm a terrible woman for not feeling bad for her)
-Stupid people
The reason I run
So that should catch you up on what's going on in my life and somewhat the world. Hope all is well. I promise I'm going to be better...and add some pictures or something.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Slowing Down
The weight loss is slowing down while work is getting busier than ever, which is why I think the weight loss is slowing. Work is kicking my butt. So I'm continuoulsy trying to find things to distract me.
I know it doesn't seem right but I have to have brain breaks so I go online and enjoy a little humor. Currently it is This is a site, if you don't know, where people post their "auto-correct" problems with their phones while texting or emailing. I myself have fallen victim to auto-correct A LOT lately.
Recently the hubby texted me something about a certain date on our calendar and what we have going on. My phone took my reply to his text and turned it all in circles, and if I offend...sorry, this is what my phone read...
"you can take Chloe to the dictor for her shits."
Should have read...
"you can take Chloe to the DOCTOR for her SHOTS!"
Oh that had me laughing all day. Of course it got me to thinking, who are the perverts that run this technology that they would turn words into such a thing. An innocent little text turns into vulgar language. Now we all know that I have a mouth like a sailor so I'm sure the hubby was like "whatever Christi." I digress.
Do yourself a favor and visit for a laugh, BUT I warn you some of it is a little pornographic, which those are even funnier.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
License for Parenting
They should give out licenses to be a parent. Seriously. Sitting in line at the kids school this morning waiting to drop them off I saw a probably 4 year old hopping from front seat to back seat. No big deal right? I thought, oh she probably popped her car seat strap off and is just waiting to go in...not so. There was no car seat...none. This child was not tall enough for just a booster, nor did I see one in the car. Trust me I drive a tank I can see in all cars. So how long had this little girl been hopping from seat to seat? The whole way to school? THEN I notice the parent smoking...WITH THE WINDOWS ROLLED UP! Hello? McFly? Have you heard the effects of second hand smoke on children? Smoke if you want to but please don't expose your child to it. I don't know why this bothered me so much today. It just did.
There are a lot of things bothering me lately when it comes to kids. I see on the news a small child witnessed it's father shooting it's mother (she lived) and then the father killed himself. How terrible for that baby to see that.
All I want to do is be with my babies. I want more than anything to be able to stay home with them and nurture them. I want to be able to be at every event they have and every play and choir program. I want to see every milestone they hit. How can you be a parent and not want that? Some may call me overprotective, or a little nuts about my kids but they were the miracles given to me as a gift. You don't just throw that gift away.
This just struck me today. I know people that have struggled year after year to have a kid. They have struggled to the point where they have to face the fact that they will never be parents. So to those of you (us) that have been blessed to become parents, stop and think about what you have and don't take it for granted. What if they did give licenses for parenting, would you pass?
Monday, March 21, 2011

Friday, March 4, 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Being Better
So The World Championship BBQ Cook-off is next week and that's like the start of crazy season around here. I only go to 2 of the nights now instead of 3 which is probably smart since I haven't had any alcohol really since I started this whole life transformation. This is also the time limit I gave myself to fit into my MissMe jeans, well that's not going to happen. They don't make them in my size which is a lot smaller than it use to be but still you have to be a 10 before you can even get a pair. Oh well there are other bling-bling jeans that do make my size and I'm on the hunt.
I started this blog entry today with tears in my eyes. I was sent a video link from one of my record folks about one of his artists Jennette McCurdy. She is starting her music career but is already quite famous. For those of you that don't know she is on the Nickelodeon show iCarly. She plays Sam Puckett. You can find her here: Anyway... in the video they showed her going into a mall to play for a crowd...a VERY large crowd. After she does a meet and greet, and all these kids are waiting patiently to meet Jennette. Then there was this one little girl that they get a closeup of meeting Jennette. You can just see in her face that this is the biggest moment in her life. This has made her day, she could die right now and be happy. That's what got me.
I started thinking of Chloe, Cayleigh and Cash and all the opportunities they have in front of them. Then I started thinking about all the things they are going to get to do that other kids won't because of my job. I have worked so hard to get where I am, that work pays off. It's like I had an epiphany. Yes I'm trying to lose weight, it sucks sometimes, but losing the weight will make me healthier, which will keep me on this Earth longer, which means more time to make sure I'm the best person ever. So from here on out that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to be better. A better mom, a better wife, a better friend, a better co-worker, a better daughter, etc.
To start I'm not going to let one person ruin my whole day. Instead I'm going to remind myself of how I want my kids to see me. I don't want the kids to see me come home frustrated everyday, so I'm not going to let the stupid little things get to me. I want my kids to grow up confident in themselves and know that no matter what happens around them they are loved and the greatest little beings on Earth. That they can do ANYTHING they want in life if they put their mind to it. I want to show them that there is more to life than work. It's a big world, and sometimes it's tough and you have to do things you don't want but you will be a better person in the long run.
That's why I deleted my previous post. If you happened to catch it before I did it was about someone who constantly steals the joy out of my day here at work. I decided instead of letting this person get to me, because she does, I'm going remember that she may not even know how she is. She doesn't have many friends and I remember what that was like growing up and it wasn't fun, so I can imagine what it is like to be a grown adult and have no friends also. Maybe if I continue to be nice to her, even when I don't want to be, that this will make her have an epiphany and become a better person also.
To go back to my original thought at the start of this. One day that could be my little girl that some little girl is looking up to remembering that day for the rest of her life. I want to make sure that if it is, that my little girl grew up confident and not letting the big bad world get the best of her. Also that she had a mommy that found the best in herself and everyone else and that she does the same.
Have a great day!
Monday, February 7, 2011
You Look Great....
Was I that hideous before? I mean the looks and the wows I get now because I've lost 21 pounds are lovely, really they are. I wanna know where those people were when I was fat. I mean I'm still plump, not gonna lie, but I must have been huge the way people are reacting to the weight loss.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
I did decide to change my plan and start eating food again. I was doing a meal replacement plan that gave me 800 calories a day. It was great during the week because of the time constraint but the weekends were KILLING me (see previous post). So now I have a choice, I can replace a meal or have real food. That could be why I woke up so happy today too. I had cereal for breakfast, it was the greatest small bowl of cereal in my entire life.
Now for my thoughts on the Bachelor...this post has been coming for awhile but I can't wait any longer after last night...
1. Brad is a douche! Seriously the guy can barely put sentences together. He isn't good looking enough to be that dumb.
2. Come on ladies quit crying! You have known this guy for what 4 weeks and you are so devastated that you are crying so much you can't speak? Really? Honey, you're a gorgeous young lady that has a job, and you're skinny to top it off, and you're on national TV crying over not getting picked by a douchey famewhore who will probably not pick someone in the end anyway! I know your ego may be hurt because YOU decided to put yourself out there, on national TV...I'm just saying. What kind of example are you setting for the young women of America. Grows some balls and stand up for yourself and get out there in your own hometown, with men that are actually worth something and get you a man.
3. I seriously think Brad went back on the Bachelor for the cool trips he gets out of it. I mean they are going to Costa Rica next week, then Anguilla, THEN safari in South Africa. Really? Are you sure you're going to pick someone this time Brad or are you going to milk this therapy thing for all it's worth.
4. Emily - Honey you are GORGEOUS and what a strong person you are. Go and find yourself a real man and not this freaking weirdo, he will probably break your heart. SIDENOTE: I still don't understand women that leave there children at home to come on this show. Because that's smart, "bye sweetie mommy's gonna go on TV to find you a new daddy. You're going to see him kiss a bunch of other women and mommy all at the same time but I'm going to get a rose to move on so it's no big deal. This is how it all really works in life." Anyway Emily send yourself home. You are better than this crap.
5. Ashley whatever you last initial is: GET OVER IT
6. Chantal: SEE #5
7. Michelle you are NUTS! Crazy may bring ratings but crazy don't bring diamonds. You are Brad actually deserve eachother I think. He's an idiot and you're wacko, it works.
I know, I know...gosh Christi don't hold back and why do you even watch the show.
I don't know it's like I'm addicted, there must be some sort of subliminal message running in there somewhere that has Pei Wei attached to it that makes me watch.
Til next time...
Monday, January 31, 2011
BIG Day in Weight Loss Land
1. It's the GRAND OPENING of my weight loss angels, Physicians Weight Loss Center, in Clear Lake. I have an appearance there this afternoon and I'm hoping it's a HUGE success for them because they deserve it. Such a great group of women there that are SO motivating and kind and freaking awesome.
2. With that said this could also be a huge day and I'm thinking I'm going to hit the 20 pound lost mark. On Friday I went in and had lost 18 pounds so I'm thinking today is a big day!
It's been a rough weekend. Yesterday especially, I wanted to just rip through something bad for me. I was SOOO hungry. The weekends really are the hardest.
I was watching the marathon yesterday and thought to myself I should do this when I lose the weight...then I remembered how my coaches tortured me with running and said nah never mind.
Here's to the BIG Loser day!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Ok now to why I titled this singing...
I love to sing, LOVE it. Sometimes I wish I wasn't the athlete that I was in high school and would have focused on my voice more. Granted I use my voice daily, but not the way I dream to.
Singing is such a great way to make a bad day better. There are songs for every occasion.
Just think if I would have really focused on that talent in school this could be me...
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Random Thoughts...
Since my ENTIRE house was sick all weekend including myself I was up A LOT in the middle of the night which meant A LOT of bad TV including the commercials. Have you seen these commercials where they try to make it not a commercial. Like there is somewhere there "interviewing" another person to where it looks like some sort of talk show. It's 120 seconds of BS. Drives me crazy.
Then there is the commercial for the new Trojan "personal massager." You know the one that is so good it will "blow your hair back." All these bad actresses with their hair gelled to the max with their hair sticking straight back. What the heck is that? I think the funniest part of that commercial is the the one chick that is in camera shot the whole time, and she has to keep her head perfectly straight so you couldn't see her hair all crazy. She looks like a frozen robot just waiting with anticipation to deliver her line, poorly I might add. See for yourself...
Then the reality shows, seriously, Bridalplasty? Come on ladies really? He already proposed, now you are going to change yourself for who, him? You already got the guy what the heck are you thinking? Real Housewives of (insert city here), who are these women? The cat fighting and the rudeness towards one another is unbelievable. Oh and throwing a 3 year old a birthday party for the cost of a wedding, tell me you aren't living vicariously through your child. Insane. If you want a Real Housewives show follow some of the women I know who do it without nannies and a full staff. I guess that wouldn't be interesting enough for TV.
Now I love me some reality TV, The Bachelor, I have become hooked again. Those chicks are nuts. I have informed all three of my children to NEVER EVER go on a TV show to find their husband or wife. Dancing With The Stars...I wish I were famous enough to be on that show. I think I would be the one partner that Maks would win with. Oh and I'm a Law & Order and NCIS junkie, I can always find one of those on in the middle of the day or night. Drives my husband CRAZY which in turn makes me laugh.
Now back to justifying Kung Pao from Pei Wei...
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Frustrations and Food

Yes there they are...the elusive MissMe Jeans or "bling-bling" jeans as I like to call them. Look how good that chicks ass looks in there.
So at that point once the screams broke my dream sequence of me running through a grass field with a perfect body and bling bling jeans sparkling in the sun. I pulled myself up by the boot straps, put the big mac out of my mind and went on with the morning.
I know this is going to be a struggle. Especially for someone like me that uses food as her happy place. I weigh in today...if I'm down again I will be re-assured that the stress is worth it.
Monday, January 17, 2011
And So It Begins...
No not that the kid with the huge bow that doesn't match her shirt...the other one, see me, the chick with the fat rolls. Oh yeah. That's me. Just like I've been off and on my ENTIRE life. Yes the chunky girl, which I'm fine with. I'm a confident woman. Married, 3 kids, a great job, oh and I'm fat.
Seriously I have been a big girl for as long as I can remember. I've done pretty much every diet imaginable. I've starved myself, counted calories, eaten no carbs, drank my meals, taken pills...and it all worked, BUT it ALWAYS came back.
I was lucky enough to be bless with not 1 but 3 beautiful children, all about 2 years apart. So basically I was pregnant for 3 years. I wasn't one of these women that gained a ton of weight while pregnant either, in fact I lost weight. For some reason that trend didn't continue once the babies got here. Hmmmm maybe it was the late night munching on Honey Nut Chex Mix while breastfeeding (don't judge you gotta do something at 3am to keep yourself awake)...
See the little spiral cookie things? That's what got me hooked.
I finally decided I was going to start losing the weight. I was sick of being the only girl at the office who didn't have the fancy "bling-bling" jeans. I was sick of being the fat mom that people just look at and say, "Well she has 3 little ones, she doesn't have time to look good."
It may be vain to want to be the skinny bitch, dangit I got the bitch part down (or so some say) I just need the skinny.
My new client, Physicians Weight Loss Centers (, came to my job wanting to advertise. Me being the only fat chick on staff they came to me. Now I had done endorsements for weight loss products and centers before so I was very guarded. I met with the owners and LOVED them immediately. I knew this was going to work. With their motivation and me FINALLY deciding to pay attention to me I was going to do this.
I started on January 10, 2011. It is now January 17 and I am down 9 POUNDS! I can already feel parts of my body losing the weight. The skinny chick is in there, she just has to dig her way out. When she does, maybe this will be me after ...
Gosh a girl can dream...Here's to being a MOTIVATED MAMA!