Monday, January 31, 2011
BIG Day in Weight Loss Land
1. It's the GRAND OPENING of my weight loss angels, Physicians Weight Loss Center, in Clear Lake. I have an appearance there this afternoon and I'm hoping it's a HUGE success for them because they deserve it. Such a great group of women there that are SO motivating and kind and freaking awesome.
2. With that said this could also be a huge day and I'm thinking I'm going to hit the 20 pound lost mark. On Friday I went in and had lost 18 pounds so I'm thinking today is a big day!
It's been a rough weekend. Yesterday especially, I wanted to just rip through something bad for me. I was SOOO hungry. The weekends really are the hardest.
I was watching the marathon yesterday and thought to myself I should do this when I lose the weight...then I remembered how my coaches tortured me with running and said nah never mind.
Here's to the BIG Loser day!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Ok now to why I titled this singing...
I love to sing, LOVE it. Sometimes I wish I wasn't the athlete that I was in high school and would have focused on my voice more. Granted I use my voice daily, but not the way I dream to.
Singing is such a great way to make a bad day better. There are songs for every occasion.
Just think if I would have really focused on that talent in school this could be me...
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Random Thoughts...
Since my ENTIRE house was sick all weekend including myself I was up A LOT in the middle of the night which meant A LOT of bad TV including the commercials. Have you seen these commercials where they try to make it not a commercial. Like there is somewhere there "interviewing" another person to where it looks like some sort of talk show. It's 120 seconds of BS. Drives me crazy.
Then there is the commercial for the new Trojan "personal massager." You know the one that is so good it will "blow your hair back." All these bad actresses with their hair gelled to the max with their hair sticking straight back. What the heck is that? I think the funniest part of that commercial is the the one chick that is in camera shot the whole time, and she has to keep her head perfectly straight so you couldn't see her hair all crazy. She looks like a frozen robot just waiting with anticipation to deliver her line, poorly I might add. See for yourself...
Then the reality shows, seriously, Bridalplasty? Come on ladies really? He already proposed, now you are going to change yourself for who, him? You already got the guy what the heck are you thinking? Real Housewives of (insert city here), who are these women? The cat fighting and the rudeness towards one another is unbelievable. Oh and throwing a 3 year old a birthday party for the cost of a wedding, tell me you aren't living vicariously through your child. Insane. If you want a Real Housewives show follow some of the women I know who do it without nannies and a full staff. I guess that wouldn't be interesting enough for TV.
Now I love me some reality TV, The Bachelor, I have become hooked again. Those chicks are nuts. I have informed all three of my children to NEVER EVER go on a TV show to find their husband or wife. Dancing With The Stars...I wish I were famous enough to be on that show. I think I would be the one partner that Maks would win with. Oh and I'm a Law & Order and NCIS junkie, I can always find one of those on in the middle of the day or night. Drives my husband CRAZY which in turn makes me laugh.
Now back to justifying Kung Pao from Pei Wei...
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Frustrations and Food

Yes there they are...the elusive MissMe Jeans or "bling-bling" jeans as I like to call them. Look how good that chicks ass looks in there.
So at that point once the screams broke my dream sequence of me running through a grass field with a perfect body and bling bling jeans sparkling in the sun. I pulled myself up by the boot straps, put the big mac out of my mind and went on with the morning.
I know this is going to be a struggle. Especially for someone like me that uses food as her happy place. I weigh in today...if I'm down again I will be re-assured that the stress is worth it.
Monday, January 17, 2011
And So It Begins...
No not that the kid with the huge bow that doesn't match her shirt...the other one, see me, the chick with the fat rolls. Oh yeah. That's me. Just like I've been off and on my ENTIRE life. Yes the chunky girl, which I'm fine with. I'm a confident woman. Married, 3 kids, a great job, oh and I'm fat.
Seriously I have been a big girl for as long as I can remember. I've done pretty much every diet imaginable. I've starved myself, counted calories, eaten no carbs, drank my meals, taken pills...and it all worked, BUT it ALWAYS came back.
I was lucky enough to be bless with not 1 but 3 beautiful children, all about 2 years apart. So basically I was pregnant for 3 years. I wasn't one of these women that gained a ton of weight while pregnant either, in fact I lost weight. For some reason that trend didn't continue once the babies got here. Hmmmm maybe it was the late night munching on Honey Nut Chex Mix while breastfeeding (don't judge you gotta do something at 3am to keep yourself awake)...
See the little spiral cookie things? That's what got me hooked.
I finally decided I was going to start losing the weight. I was sick of being the only girl at the office who didn't have the fancy "bling-bling" jeans. I was sick of being the fat mom that people just look at and say, "Well she has 3 little ones, she doesn't have time to look good."
It may be vain to want to be the skinny bitch, dangit I got the bitch part down (or so some say) I just need the skinny.
My new client, Physicians Weight Loss Centers (, came to my job wanting to advertise. Me being the only fat chick on staff they came to me. Now I had done endorsements for weight loss products and centers before so I was very guarded. I met with the owners and LOVED them immediately. I knew this was going to work. With their motivation and me FINALLY deciding to pay attention to me I was going to do this.
I started on January 10, 2011. It is now January 17 and I am down 9 POUNDS! I can already feel parts of my body losing the weight. The skinny chick is in there, she just has to dig her way out. When she does, maybe this will be me after ...
Gosh a girl can dream...Here's to being a MOTIVATED MAMA!